by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
We have been learning all about trees in our class. Here’s a few of our favorite activities! Coffee Filter Leaves painted with watercolors The kids made trees they would find in the forest and drew animals that would live in the trees. Counting leaves using...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
My class has been so excited about Halloween. So we’ve been doing lots of different Halloween art projects. Below are a few of our favorites! Name Pumpkins Children write their names in a pumpkin shape. Then they cut the pumpkin into strips and placed the...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Other Teacher Stories, Preschool & Kindergarten
This week we printed with rubber bands. The only materials you need are cardboard, rubber bands and paint. This project was lots of fun for my preschoolers. They loved it! The first thing we did was place the rubber bands on the cardboard. Then the kids painted the...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
My cousin Katie gave me a great book this week. It’s called Maybe Something Beautiful by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell. It’s illustrated by Rafael Lopez. The book is about how art can change a neighborhood and it’s based on a true story of the...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
During the beginning of the school year we spend a lot of time talking about our favorite things. In a class full of kids who are just learning English it’s hard sometimes to get conversations going during our large group time. One thing that we have been able...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
It’s almost time for school to start again and I’ve been busy planning for my new group of preschoolers. The first few weeks of school are spent getting to know one another and reading all kinds of books. Below are a few of my favorite books to read at the...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
Another beginning of the year self portrait activity I like to do in my classroom is full body self portraits. The kids usually work together to create these portraits. The kids talk to one another about what they look like and what they are wearing. It’s...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
Science is an area I sometimes struggle with in my classroom. So I’m always looking for new science activities I can do with my kids. I’m lucky to be spending my summer with a girl who loves science experiments. We have been trying all kinds of activities...
by Rachel Tarnoff | Preschool & Kindergarten
We create a lot of self portraits throughout the year. We start the year with the kids looking in a mirror and drawing how they see themselves. As the year goes on we create the portraits in other ways. This is one of my favorite self portrait activities to do with my...