Everyone Has a Job- Why You Should Have a Job Board in Your Classroom
One way I get through the long days in September is by putting the responsibility of the classroom environment back onto the students’ hands. This is our home for the year. If we keep it clean, if we’re respectful of each other and of our materials, we will have a better year. Plus, there is no better time than the beginning of the year to teach students what the classroom expectations are. In my rooms these expectations include cleaning, organization, and routines.
Introducing Greetings
The greeting is a great time for kids to 1) be welcomed into the community, and 2) hear their own name, which can be really powerful in the classroom, especially when everything is new! My favorite greetings for the very beginning of the year are super simple, and...First Day of School in Second Grade
Today was our first day of school and we have been hard at work to get our classrooms set up for our kiddos. I was moved into a new classroom this year to teach second grade and I couldn’t be happier about it! I have spent the majority of last week preparing my...Farm Adapted Books!
Growing up next to a corn field and driving a tractor to mow my family yard I had to create some farm themed books! Since it’s harvest time I figured this is the perfect time of year to include some fun farm adapted books and activities into your classroom! I...Second Grade Literacy Sorts
Wow, back to school already?!? Didn’t we just go on summer holiday?? Anyways, I have been working on building my literacy centers for the school year, so I decided to create the these Literacy Sorts. These sorts are directly aligned to the first and second grade...You’re New to ECE, Now What?
So you there you were, enjoying Summer break when you got that dreaded email. Subject line: Grade Change. Take a deep breath and don’t worry about it because you will rock this.
In this post I will share my list of “Need To Know Now” ideas as you get ready the school year as a new pre-k or kindergarten teacher. And I promise, I’ll help you get through the first month tear-free.
Donors Choose to the Rescue- What Is Donors Choose and How to Get Your Project Funded
It’s that time of year again when teachers begin to spend thousands of dollars on their classrooms- Back to School! But let’s be honest, there is only so much you can do with your budgeted ‘donation’ to your classroom each year.
Mind the Gap: How to Stretch Learning Over Summer Break
With the dog days of summer settling in, and school starting up soon for some districts across the country, it is time to get our students back into learning gear.